Das Bild zeigt Umrisse von Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Inhalt (Farben, Formen etc.)

Intercultural education

At the Department of Intercultural Education, we focus on crucial questions of inequality in education, such as:

  • What are the implications of (forced) migration, globalisation and social inequalities for education, socialisation, learning and teaching?

  • To what extent are educational actors, practices, concepts, and organisations involved in the production and maintenance of ideologies of inequality (e.g. racism, linguicism, antisemitism, right-wing extremism, etc.) and precarious orders of (non-)belonging?

  • Where are possibilities for intervention and deconstruction, i.e. which pedagogical models, concepts, measures (at certain moments) contribute to a normalisation of migration and a de-dramatisation of migration-related diversity as well as to an increase in educational equity?

  • Which theories and empirical research perspectives are suitable for a power-critical analysis of processes of education and socialisation under conditions of dominance, especially in regard to migration and asylum regimes?



Die Abbilug zeigt 3 Personen

Employees of the work area introduce themselves

Das Bild zeigt ein Papiermensch hinter einer Lupe

Overview of ongoing and completed projects, as well as events

Das Bild zeigt einen aufgepinnten Notizzettel

Important information and announcements from the work area.

Das Bild zeigt einen Bücherstapel und einen Doktorhut

Information on the courses offered for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes

How to reach us