In educational research on migration at the "Intercultural Education" department, qualitative research methodologies and methods are used in particular, which reconstruct implicit or latent contents of meaning and significance and emphasise the understanding of the subjective views and "meaning making" of research partners and their action practices (and thus take precedence over evaluation). The aim is also to reconstruct institutional logics in order to trace the actions (often contradictory to beliefs, attitudes, orientations, etc.) in educational organisations
In terms of epistemology, we favour research perspectives and processes that systematically consider the place of knowledge production, i.e. the researchers' own location and social positioning, as 'productive' and reflect on their own research as hegemonic practice. In addition, intersectional research approaches are relevant for us in order to focus on different axes of inequality and, in particular, the interplay of structures, practices and ideologies that generate disadvantage and privilege; in this way, we aim to (1) do justice to the complexity of the object of investigation and (2) prevent a reifying research practice and knowledge production.
Participatory research methods, which not only focus on and reflect co-construction processes, but also provide for the empowerment of research partners and communities so that they are no longer "researched" but also become designers of research processes, play an important role.