Prof. Dr. Jendrik Petersen
Univ.-Prof., Dr. phil. habil

Tel : +49 (0)6341 280-32509
Fax : +49 (0)6341 280-32501
Bürgerstr. 23, First floor, Room 118, D-76829 Landau
- Management development
- Management diagnostics
- Dialogical management
- Mentoring
Prevention of training dropouts (Praelab) as part of the EU project Life-Long Learning, ongoing research projects on the topics of: Management development, management diagnostics for executives in cooperation with larger companies; development of a student consulting service; prevention of malicious acts as a pedagogical field of activity; network Südpfalz gegen Extremismus und für Zivilcourage (Southern Palatinate against extremism and for civil courage).
- Helmut Schmidt University - University of the Federal Armed Forces (HSU) in Hamburg
- University of Flensburg/Flensburg School
- Heinrich Vetter Research Institute Mannheim
- University of Applied Sciences for Management (HdWM), Mannheim
- Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (EHB) in Zollikofen/CH
- Swiss College of Agriculture (SHL) in Zollikofen/ CH
- Danube University Krems/A
- University of Vienna/A
Born December 7, 1959 in Flensburg, Germany
Languages: german, english and french
General qualification for university entrance in Flensburg, joined the German Armed Forces as a temporary soldier (Army branch, artillery troop)
Diploma studies in education at the University of the German Armed Forces in Hamburg with a focus on adult education and organizational psychology, degree: Diplom-Pädagoge (diploma in education)
Worked as a research assistant at the University of the Federal Armed Forces. Doctorate (Dr. phil.)
Research assistant at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. Lectureships at the University of Flensburg and the University of Landau.
Autumn 2000:
Started work as Principal Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers Unternehmensberatung GmbH in Frankfurt.
January 2001:
Awarded the research and teaching qualification for "General Educational Sciences with a special focus on vocational and industrial education" by the Department of Education at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
July 2001 until today:
Appointed university professor by the Minister President of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate. teaching in general didactics and industrial pedagogy at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau Campus[now RPTU in Landau], lecturer in the field of vocational and industrial pedagogy in the Department of Education at the Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg.
Starting 2003:
Lectureships at Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg in the field of vocational and industrial education, from 2007 lecturer at Danube University Krems/A for human resource management and leadership.
Starting 2008:
Lecturer in the Master's program of SFIVET in Zollikofen/CH with focus on "Comparative Vocational Education Systems" and "Competence Assessment".
Starting April 2010:
Senior Research Director at the University of Flensburg - flensburg school for Advanced Research Studies in the field of economics and social sciences for the topics "Strategic Leadership, Organizational Development & Educational Management".
Member of the Advisory Board of the Master's Program in Vocational Education and Training at SFIVET in Zollikofen/CH
Petersen, Jendrik/Oelsch, Jens-Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Dialogisches Management und Organisationslernen. Mering 2011
Petersen, Jendrik/Oelsch, Jens-Rüdiger: Innovative Organisationsgestaltung durch
Dialogisches Management. In: Petersen, Jendrik/Oelsch, Jens-Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Dialogisches Management und Organisationslernen. Mering 2011 S: 3-20
Petersen, Jendrik: Dialogisches Management durch Mentoring. In: Bernd Dewe/ Martin Schwarz (Hrsg.): Beruf – Betrieb – Organisation. Perspektiven der Betriebspädagogik und beruflichen Weiterbildung. Bad Heilbrunn 2011
Heidsiek, Charlotte/Petersen, Jendrik (Hrsg.): Organisationslernen im 21. Jahrhundert.
Frankfurt am Main 2010
Moning, Elke/Petersen, Jendrik (Hrsg.): Wandlungen komplexer Bildungssysteme. Frankfurt am Main 2010
Petersen, Jendrik: Einleitung und Überblick. In: Moning, Elke/Petersen, Jendrik (Hrsg.):
Wandlungen komplexer Bildungssysteme. Frankfurt am Main 2010 S: 11-13
Moning, Elke/Petersen, Jendrik: Organisationslernen und Dialogische Führung als
Gestaltungsfelder betriebspädagogischer Professionalität. In: Heidsiek, Charlotte/Petersen, Jendrik (Hrsg.): Organisationslernen im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main 2010 S: 169-180
Moning, Elke/Petersen, Jendrik: Angewandte Schulsozialarbeit als Gegenstand innovativer
Seminargestaltung. In: Moning, Elke/Petersen, Jendrik (Hrsg.): Wandlungen komplexer
Bildungssysteme. Frankfurt am Main 2010 S: 161-168
Petersen, Jendrik: Der Kampf gegen Rechtsextremismus als notwendiges Aufgabenfeld betrieblicher Bildung. In: Moning, Elke/Petersen, Jendrik/Rückwardt, Bernd (Hrsg.): Multiplikatoren gegen Rechtsextremismus. Frankfurt am Main 2009
Petersen, Jendrik: Dialogisches Management. Frankfurt am Main 2003
Petersen, Jendrik: Weiterbildung im Zeichen neuer Informationstechnologien, Shareholder Value und Globalisierung. In: Behrmann, Detlef/Schwarz, Bernd: Selbstgesteuertes lebenslanges Lernen. Bielefeld 2003
Petersen, Jendrik: Die "gebildete Unternehmung". Frankfurt am Main 1997