HEC (History of Educational Ecologies - International Research Group)
Research Fellows
- Dr. Eulàlia Collelldemont, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Universty of Vic–Central University of Catalonia, Spain
- Dr. Inês Félix, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University, Sweden
- Dr. Ian Grosvenor, Professor emeritus, School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK
- Dr. Frederik Herman, Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), School of Education the Schwyz University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
- Dr. Björn Norlin, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Umeå University, Sweden
- Dr. Núria Padrós, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, university of Vic–Central University of Catalonia, Spain
- Dr. Ana Paz, Assistant Professor, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Dr. Lisa Rosén Rasmussen, Associate Professor, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Dr. Sian Roberts, Lecturer, School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK
- Dr. Susanne Spieker, Subject Librarian, RPTU in Landau, Germany
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